Common Questions

Common Questions

Common Questions

We’re constantly working on the SigmaOS Tutorial to make it both short and comprehensive.

But we can’t cover everything – so we made this document based on the most common things you ask us:

General usage

🔐 Password Managers?

You can open your password manager at any time by hitting P.

To change your password manager, hit option+P. We currently support Apple Keychain, OnePassword, Dashlane, LastPass, Keeper, Zoho Vault, and Bitwarden.

🧩 Extensions?

You can either download extensions from the SigmaOS Extensions Manager (option + E) or directly from the Chrome Web Store.

We currently support the most popular extensions, and are constantly releasing more. You can download any unreleased extension on SigmaOS and send us feedback through cmd + KFeedback. This helps us ensure everything’s running smoothly.

🔍 Web inspector?

cmd + KShow inspector

🐦 Login to multiple accounts for the same website? (separate cookies)

You can set up a Workspace to use "separate cookies" in the advanced Workspace settings ⚙️

✋ Private browsing?

control + W to quickly open a private browsing Workspace or set up a Workspace as private in the advanced Workspace settings ⚙️

⚙️ Advanced Workspace settings

Click the gear in the window to create / edit a Workspace W / option + W. You will then be able to toggle private browsing, and separate cookies.

🍔 Choosing a Workspace emoji outside the default list?

  • Open the window to create / edit a Workspace W / option + W
  • Copy-paste an emoji in the textfield that says ”…or paste custom emoji here” below the emoji picker.
    • Tip: command + control + SPACE opens the Apple emoji picker.

🔕 Notification settings

cmd + KNotification settings

You can also manage notification settings on a website-specific level in the Website Settings

🌐 Website specific preferences?

cmd + KWebsite settings to view settings for all websites

…or right click on a Page in the left panel, and choose “Settings for website” to edit website-specific preferences.

You can modify default zoom, permissions (location, camera, microphone…), user agent, and more!

🌙 Dark Mode

cmd + KChange color scheme (default follows your mac’s system)

🎯 Focus Mode

Hit F to turn on Focus Mode – hides all distractions including the left panel and the top bar.

Hit F again to exit Focus Mode

↩️ I closed a bunch of Pages by mistake, undo??

Just hit Z on your keyboard to undo!

Next time, lock your Pages to avoid marking them as done by mistake!

Lazy Search

The search engine for your browser – use it to search through Pages, tags, Workspaces, commands… anything you need to do, basically.

🦥 Why “Lazy” Search?

Because you should be able to lazily find anything, or do anything, without moving your mouse.

🔍 How do I open the Lazy Search?

Just hit SPACE on your keyboard!

🙌 Use the Lazy Search SPACE to:

  • Open a new Page in the current Workspace
  • Jump to an open Page across any Workspace
  • Create a new doc on Notion, Google Docs, etc…

🔥 What does command + K do?

It applies the Commands filter to your Lazy Search.

This means you’re only searching through all the “SigmaOS” commands (not your Pages, history, etc…).

Use command + K to find anything internal within SigmaOS including your Account Information, Referral Link and Shortcuts.


⌨️ Shortcuts conflict with my Page / web-app

No worries! You can edit your shortcut priority by pressing command + K and searching for SigmaOS Preferences.

⚡ Why single-key shortcuts?

Because we believe that you should be able to control your browser, without always holding a modifier key. This is what can make you fast, and feel powerful.

In other words, browser control is usually “quasimodal”, but it should be modal.

We also choose shortcuts to be simple and memorable, so they are accessible to anyone.

  • e.g. D for Done, F for Focus Mode, etc…

🌎 My keyboard is international?

We should already support your keyboard! If not, let us know on the Slack Community.

✏️ Can I change my keyboard shortcuts?

Yes, yes you can! If this is important to your workflow, just press command + K and search for SigmaOS Preferences. From here you can personalize your keyboard shortcuts.


💰 What’s the deal?

Anyone can use SigmaOS Personal for free!

If you want more, SigmaOS Personal Pro costs $10/month, or $8/month (billed yearly). This includes:

  • Unlimited Workspaces
  • Unlimited devices for auto-syncing (so your SigmaOS looks the same everywhere you go!)

Oh, and everyone gets a 14-day trial 😊

💰 A paid browser? Why?

Because we want to align our incentives with yours! We never want to ruin the design of our browser with ads or rely on deals with search engines that sell your data.

We’re driven by the idea of building a browser that you enjoy using so much, that you’d want to pay for it!

Thank you to all our subscribers!! 🧡

🧑‍🎓 Student / Academic discount?

Even better – SigmaOS Personal Pro is 50% off for students and academics.

Just fill out this form and we’ll add a discount to your account so you can use SigmaOS for half price.

🦄 Referral perks?

Yes! Anyone can invite their friends, colleagues and teammates to try out SigmaOS. For each person that signs up using your referral link, we’ll give you $5 credit!


🕵️‍♂️ Cookie tracking

Just like Apple’s Safari, SigmaOS supports WebKit Intelligent Tracking Prevention. This means companies (you know who) can’t track your behaviour outside of their own website.

🍪 I need third-party cookies for my work?

No problem, you can turn them on by simply searching for it in your settings.

cmd + KAllow third-party cookies

🔑 Are my Passwords safe in SigmaOS?

Just like Safari, SigmaOS uses Apple Keychain to store all your passwords. You can read more about Apple Keychain here.

🔒 Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is written in Plain English to make it readable by anyone!

🦆 Can I change my Search Engine?

Yep! We support several, including DuckDuckGo, Ecosia,, and Bing. You can also add your own custom search engine!

cmd + KChange search engine

Switching browsers

✈️ How do I do this?

cmd + KMigrate browser (currently support Chrome, Safari, Brave, Opera, Firefox, Vivaldi, Edge, and Sidekick).

SigmaOS can import your:

  • Cookies (so you are logged in everywhere)
  • Active tabs (1 window = 1 Workspace)
  • History (to quickly access your top Pages)
  • Extensions (if they work on SigmaOS!)
  • Bookmarks (they will be turned into tags)
  • Passwords (but you need to import them separately)

😿 Browser migration failed

Contact us, we’ll get you sorted asap!!

🔑 What about importing passwords?

cmd + KImport passwords. You will then be asked to add a .csv file of all your passwords. Read below on how to export from Safari/Chrome:

🧭 How do I export my Safari passwords?

Open Safari and in the menu bar choose File > Export > Passwords. Note this will work on Safari 15 or later.

🍭 How do I export my Chrome passwords?

Go to, login to your Google Account, then choose Export Passwords.

🌐 How do I set SigmaOS as my Default Browser?

cmd + KSet SigmaOS as Default Browser.

Talking to us

🤔 Bugs / ideas / feedback?

cmd + KFeedback

💬 How can I talk to you?

Join our community on Slack!!