

Extensions 🧩

SigmaOS is the first Webkit browser to support Chrome extensions!

The Extensions Panel πŸŽ›οΈ

The extensions panel is your control center for extensions on SigmaOS. This is where you see your list of extensions, activate them, download new ones, etc.

In SigmaOS, extensions work hand in hand with workspaces. You can either:

  • Activate an extension in all workspaces: perfect for global extensions like password managers.
  • Activate an extension in a specific workspace: perfect to set-up advanced workflows.

By default we recommend activating extensions in specific workspaces, and then upgrading them to all workspaces if you need them everywhere. This is important because extensions can have an impact on performance, so having a more granular level of control can help you keep your browser smooth.

Go ahead and open your extensions panel! Open Extension Panel (Option + E)

Downloading Extensions ⏳

  • You can download extensions from the Chrome Web Store.
  • A curated list of popular extensions can also be downloaded from the extensions panel.

Pinning Extensions πŸ“Œ

You can also pin extensions to make them appear in your left panel.


Password Managers πŸ”“

If you use an external service to manage your passwords, you’ll appreciate this:

  • Hit P to quickly open your default password manager extension
  • Hit option + P to change your default password manager

Using Extensions

Just use E to quickly use an active extension and option + E to open the extension panel.

You should now have a good understanding of all the important SigmaOS features. Last but not least, let’s discuss Shortcuts ⌨️ Let’s go β†’